Monday, December 04, 2006

CAZ MARINES REUNITED... While passing through a base called "Camp Korean Village" (named for a camp which housed Korean workers brought in by Saddam to build a major highway westward toward Jordan and Syria) recently, I met up with my former student (and now fellow Marine) Travis Eno. Imagine Travis' surprise when his former history teacher shows up in the middle of nowhere to shake his hand. Travis is one of those unsung heroes who works the flight line making sure that critical supplies (and non-critical, but much-loved supplies, like MAIL) get on and off the helicopters and make it to our troops. It was great for both of us to see a familiar face!


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt!
Great to see such a nice photo of you and Travis. Bella has been visiting me regularly for a quick hug and "hello". I'll be checking out your posting regularly. You're in my prayers!
Linda Clark

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What impresses me the most about your blog, apart from it's content of course, is the fact that your students back home follow the blog and leave comments! That is so cool.

Thanks for serving and thanks for writing. God bless.


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